One of the first ‘professional’ artists I saw actually paint something was public television phenomenon Bob Ross. The effortless way he conjured clouds, lakes, mountains, and trees into existence seemed magical to my young and impressionable brain. (I still don’t get how he did what he did with that palette knife). His personality, hair, voice, and style invoke an almost mythical time, untouched by passing trends, perhaps never to be repeated.
I’m sure most of us visual artists, a generation of artists in fact, were in some way, large or small, influenced in our formative years by this iconic pop-artist. For this show the invited artists were asked to take that influence and turn it into a work of art. Whether they think Bob Ross is cliche, kitsch, or amazing I hoped they would pay tribute to his style or react against it.
Novostavba na unikátním místě na návrší v oblasti Malé Skály má napohled zcela moderní výraz. Ve druhém plánu ale objevíme respekt k přírodním podmínkám a poznání principů a znaků zdejšího tradičního stavitelského umění. Zatímco v údolí kolem Jizery vyrostly v devatenáctém století, s příchodem železnice zděné domky s falešným hrázděním, roubením...